I am just so flabbergasted, I could spit! Hamlet and I had one of those mind-numbingly delightful conversations that flirted with the fringes of philosophy. It was all very Platonic: yes, indeed! It had to do with Plato and his concept of the transcendental absolute. The philosophy bases itself on perfect, eternal realities that are free from the mutability of the physical world as we perceive it. So, basically, imagine a dress-shirt: imagine the most perfect dress-shirt ever! Now, can you make improvements to it? Is it possible to make it more perfect? It is, isn't it? You, my friend, are on the path to searching for the Platonic dress-shirt: the ultimately perfect dress-shirt! And no, the Dior argument does not apply. Plato trumps Dior. There I said it! And never shall I again!
I'm afraid that I may be guilty of giving you the wrong impression of how things stand between me and Hamlet: it isn't all metaphysical masturbation. In fact, he's called me a whore so many times today that isn't even funny. Actually, it's uproariously funny! This evening saw me sweating bullets as I studied Organic reactions while fastidiously avoiding Don Quixote! Having done nearly enough, I decided to 'run into' Hamlet and Punjaban. As Punjaban wondered for the millionth time if she was pretty enough for her paramour, Neo, and Hamlet did that thing that he has been doing for a while now: whenever someone would talk about something couple-centric, Hamlet would start PTSD-ing and talking about the many iniquities that the lovely Luna subjected him too. He always flashes the joke light, but frankly, I am getting quite worried. And there's me: my strange romance is like a rehash of 'The Reader', but that's a story for another day.
Frankly if it weren't for our lust-bunnies, we would be so destroyed! Our lust-bunnies are a projection of our sexual frustrations onto an outward, aesthetically pleasing locus. Clearly, Masakalli and Punjaban are never going to proposition their Hollisterboys, neither is Hamlet ever going to act upon his one (and probably only) lecherous impulse- a mutual friend who makes him flash scarlet everytime she glides by! Most religions, including our respective faiths, tell us that lust is sinful. But is it really so long to tease/muse as we wait for love? That the moon will never descend in Hamlet's back-yard is a given, Masakalli and her significant other need the bickering in order to keep the sparks flying, Punjaban would be lying if she says that she doesn't enjoy the longing even a little bit and I, oft-disappointed in love, find lust more malleable. Oh love will happen! I hold my faith in Soulmate Principle fortified! Perhaps I shall meet her in New York and it shall be autumn! Or maybe on a rain-drenched New Delhi street...who's to say?
Punjaban, Masakalli, Hamlet, Santiago and I are all in the same, static boat and while we wait for the Platonic to emerge, it wouldn't hurt to celebrate the platonic with a couple of skinny lattes!
Until the next time,
Why are you wearing that stupid bunny costume?